this is old, thinking about updating.

Index of /files

NameLast modifiedSizeDescription

damndaniel.png 2:37 PM 2/23/2021 261K 
Music/ 2:48 PM 2/23/2021 A selection of nice tunes by the man himself.
Videos/ 6:59 PM 2/23/2021 funny videos
smileys/ 10:25 AM 3/7/2021 smiley central
systemisdown.swf 3:52 PM 2/23/2021 320KHomestar runner thing made in 2002ish.
A-kwqAZCMAAVGl-.jpeg 6:56 PM 2/23/2021 20K
whitevans.mp3 8:16 PM 2/23/2021 455Kadded during birthday update on feb 11