active log for 2.1 [note] well ok, since i dont have to go to school today (12/15/22) then i will start to finish some of these albums again. 1 - politics huh..... yeah, when i first listened to this track i knew ringex was going to mention ben shapiro and i called it! this track is funny a little bit, and good as well. very good start to a good album. 2 - a short little track with keemstar (special guest) 3 - this fella doesnt like this album! i only really remember the intro for this track, oh typing on da keyboard in the background, and another change! ok i do remember this track a lot and this is the most popular ringex album apparently? really? crazy. still good track here, lots of cutting of ben shapiro clip he is probably epicly owning a libtard. then more sound collaging, i dont even know what this is mentioning i dont really do politic. OK i remember this good nor bad part i wanted to hear this part again, was probably impatient to hear this again. alrgiht good track. 4 - song talking about debt, i like this one the most will be at the top. the solution is simple, just pay off your debt! hahahhah hah ha hah ah aha hahh ah aa hahahh ahahhah hahahhahha a. after that part it goes crazy!!!!! nothing else, just going wacko. cool effect at the end! thats it next track. 5 - i kinda didnt like this track the first time i listened to it, i do not mind it now cause i really dont care about what he is talking about. i just thought it was kinda annoying at first. ok so this is just a guitar over someone talking about soyboys n such and then the tts guy at the end again saying "why dont women like me" lol nothing else to say about this track. 6 - this bitch is complaining about the album though, i really have nothing else to say about this track but the tts is self aware :o cool, and we also learn a little bit more about 1.1 as well. 7 - a bunch of random sounds so far? only thing i can understand clearly is the headon thing, thats it right now for me. chaotic sound collage for people who love sound collage. 8 - gun shots with midi? i think so far atleast, then cartoon sounds also in 3.1!!! and funny sounds!??!!??! this is absolutely bonkers!!!! real american sound collage, even with the anthem. then it has someone repeating the same joke about trump. 9 - starts off with the look at the top of his head guy laughing, then there is something in the backgrounds that changes helicopter? think so,..., and thats it, ok i guess will update if anythng actually happens; forgot to mention the applauding, thats it besides ringex fucking with the audio a bunch. 10 - this isnt silence this is static! 11 - its drone! wowza! sounds nice. i listened to the whole thing before but this one is good, wouldn't listen to this all the time obviously. ▌│█║▌║▌║overall rating║▌║▌║█│▌ 4/5 - i like track listing from best to worst: 4 1 3 2 7 11 8 6 5 9 10